I wanted to share something hope you will be interested

An Interesting Miracle

We should note that Jesus’ initial words are not so much a criticism; rather, they are simply words of truth.  He is aware of the fact that many people lack faith or are at least weak in faith.  He is also aware of the fact that “signs and wonders” are beneficial for people at times so as to help them come to believe.  Though this need to see “signs and wonders” is far from ideal, Jesus works with it.  He uses this desire for a miracle as a way of offering faith.

What’s important to understand is that the ultimate goal of Jesus was not the physical healing, even though this was an act of great love; rather, His ultimate goal was to increase the faith of this father by offering him the gift of his son’s healing.  This is important to understand because everything we experience in life from our Lord will have as its goal a deepening of our faith.  

Sometimes that takes on the form of “signs and wonders” while at other times it may be His sustaining presence in the midst of a trial without any visible sign or wonder. Cling to Him, believe He loves you, know that He holds the answer you need and seek Him in all things.  He will never let you down.

Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe.”  The royal official said to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.”  Jesus said to him, “You may go; your son will live.”  John 4:48-50

GH, April 2020.

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