Repent and Live (Ez 18, 32)

We need to focus on Conversion because it is the most Common message preached by all prophets before Jesus to John the Baptist, Jesus Himself and from Him to all the People He sent.

We also need it because it’s the only thing that pleases the Lord, through history whenever People followed God's laws He was happy with them and Jesus went far calling those who do His will, His real brothers, sisters and mother.

Last week we saw Why we need to Confess our sins; this would have a meaning if it is followed by Conversion (Turning away from our old ways).

God sent a lot of prophets on this matter many were killed, some did well their Job but after their death people would change again. John came with Jesus; they were both killed and so were most of their disciples...

But Why don't we change?

We often consider ourselves as "good" persons (we don't hate people; we do some sort of small sins and we go to church) did the Young Richman or the pharisees think.

Jesus said unless your righteousness surpasses that of the pharisees you shall not enter the kingdom of God. (Matthew 5,20)


If you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? (Matthew 5,47)

He takes the law and puts it on a new level. (Matthew 5)

-from you shall not kill to you shall not even insult your neighbor.

-from you shall not commit adultery to whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has committed adultery.

-from hate your enemy to love and pray for your enemy.


Based on these verses alone, I don't think we are good people...we are blasphemers, liars, thieves, adulterers...briefly we are bad people who can do good things when filled with the Good God. 

We can't just use the adjective "Good" to qualify ourselves and God at the same time! It doesn’t make sense. (this basically sounds like the voice of the devil when he was tempting Eve to try the fruit that she will have the same knowledge as God, and she won't need him anymore. For us he is telling us that we are good enough, we don't need to change)

When we realize that we are poor sinners and that we need him to at least get some goodness in our lives we will repent and change.😔😞

In the Recent times we Saw the Blessed Virgin Mother of God emphasizing on this message.

The Church has Approved 16 apparitions all over the World and she always carried a message of Conversion and Praying unceasingly.

In some apparitions she would also warn about consequences such as the World wars, The Genocide in Rwanda, The assassination attempt on John Paul II...

And among those the most frightening is the one she talked about in Akita(Japan) in 1983 which will be even greater than the Deluge. 

All this is not meant to scare us so that we feel desperate 😱but rather to scare us so that we come back to our Lord and God, so that we pray unceasingly and pray the Rosary as the Blessed Virgin Mary repeatedly required.😇

And as a wise man once said:

"Stopping sinning will not necessarily bring you closer to God but getting closer to God will Certainly keep you from sinning." 

My sister/brother are you good enough that you don't need to change? Is it too early for you to change? Does it seem so easy to change?

If the answer is No, then:

Pray unceasingly, Pray that our Father in heaven helps you change, Pray that He changes those who don't have the courage and strength to pray, Pray for this world full of sin and whenever you hear that voice telling you that it's enough, Pray even more.

Giovanni dell’Addolorata, 

Written: Lent 2019, 

Edited and posted: Lent 2021.

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