Why do we need to confess our sins to a priest?

You might not be the only one thinking about this question or more related to the sacrament of Reconciliation.

Now Let's do some research together and try to understand what it is and why we need it. 

Historically, [Leviticus 4:1-5:13 and 7:1-6 or Numbers 15:27-28]

These verses are few examples of the sacrifices people had to bring to the priest for them to be forgiven of their sins.

And Jews followed these rules for centuries knowing that Only God can forgive through their sacrifices. 

Then in [Matthew 9:3; Marc 2:7 and Luc 5:21] Jesus forgives the sins of a Paralytic and Pharisees go crazy about it😱 calling it Blasphemy because they were taught that only God can forgive sins (they knew a little about God's Son😉).

At this point we know that Jesus has the Power to forgive sins like His Father.

In [John 20:22-23]:

“22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.” 

Right before His ascension, Jesus gives this authority to forgive sins to his disciples(Apostles).

We saw that Jesus can forgive sins, now He is transferring the authority to his disciples. But we have to understand that he gave the Authority to forgive not the Power to read minds (that's why we have to first mention our sins) 

Last but not least [ John 20:21]"... As my father sent Me, so also, I am sending you."

Jesus knew how sin will always be part of our lives; so, He sent us a gift through His apostles for us to be able to clean and direct our souls to the will of His Father. He sent that gift to each and every one of us; it wasn't fast as Amazon😉 because it took some centuries to reach your community but the good news is that you can unwrap it from all parishes or places where you can meet a Priest.

Let's do it as an act of faith, saying: “I trust you Jesus and I trust the people you sent to forgive us in your name. I love you and I am ashamed of my sins. I will use the beautiful gift of the sacrament of Reconciliation to renew my relationship with you and gain strength for my battle against sin, until you come again.” 

When we have a headache we often take some pills or drink a lot of water but when this doesn't take away our pain, we go to a doctor who will first listen to our symptoms and understand our situation and use his knowledge and abilities to prescribe a treatment.

Most of the time we want to choose a very old priest who cannot listen to our sins or a priest that we will never meet again so that we can mention our deepest sins...

When a doctor knows you it's very easy for him/her to have a follow up on your condition and when you come back he/she can remember the last treatment and he/she does that without Judging and  we even have to show intimate parts when necessary. This also applies to our spiritual illnesses. The doctors get knowledge from universities and are approved by governments, priests as we saw earlier receive the authority and ability from God.

Some have chosen to have a special doctor for their whole lives. Let's also adopt this practice for our souls and get a pure and real confession regularly and spiritual direction,

Almost all saints have benefited from it so Why not you? Why not Me?

May the Holy Spirit open our eyes to see the severity of our sins and grant us the strength ,humility and Love to take the right decision about it, as The King David did or the people of Nineveh.🙏🏽

Giovanni dell’Addolorata, 

Written: Lent 2019, 

Edited and posted: Lent 2021.

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